Saturday, April 24, 2010

Why does closing IE 7 cause an error report to be sent to Microsoft?

I upgraded to IE 7, on WinXP OS. Now, when I close the IE 7 browser, I get one of those pop-up windows asking me if I want to send a report to Microsoft. (I'm certain it's the legit MS error report tool when one of their apps fails in some way.)

Anyone else experience this? Anyone know a solution?

Why does closing IE 7 cause an error report to be sent to Microsoft?windows vista home premium

did you send the error report? its possiable ie7 is bad install, without looking at what ms says, i would uninstall it, and reinstall through windows updates. or you have malware causing a conflict.

Why does closing IE 7 cause an error report to be sent to Microsoft?ie tab internet exploreryou can roll it back in add/remove, left side windows componets Report It

Thanks, Globe, I'll try it. Report It

IE7 itself is an error. Try Firefox:
I tried it, that happened and other crap. Dumped it.
Yea, it happened to me for a while.

I stopped using IE and switched to firefox by mozilla.

It is much much better.
One of your IE 7 files may be corrupted. Try re-installing IE 7.

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